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#TheWurShow Join me every week on Facebook and my YouTube channel. My name is Wur, and welcome to the Wur show, where we discuss many different topics. I look forward to connecting with all of you and sharing this exciting journey.
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USA vs South Sudan Paris Olympics 2024 Basketball Showdown!With a 103-86 win over
The next great generation.
Are you ready to start a journey that will redefine your path to success? Join me as we uncover the secrets, strategies, and mindset behind achieving greatness in our mission for success. Have you ever wondered what it takes to turn your dreams into reality? In this video, we delve deep into the art of setting goals and executing your mission toward a life of unmatched success. Unlock the power within yourself to overcome any obstacle and fulfill your greatest ambitions. Join me on this exciting adventure as we navigate challenges and discover the ultimate mission toward success. Are you tired of feeling trapped in a cycle of average? It’s time to break free and improve your life. Prepare for a thrilling journey as we explore the untold stories of those who dared to embark on their mission toward success.
Using technology at school, home, and work has become a part of our daily life activities, and not only are we using it, but we are also working to design and manage it. In today's environment and workforce, more than one skill is needed in order to adapt to these technological changes. So let's appreciate the opportunities we have today
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Who should do the cooking, a man or a woman?
This question was posted on Facebook (Community South Sudan).
I disagree with the concept of enforcing cooking responsibilities based on the gender of the individual. Instead, the decision should be made based on the circumstances of the family, especially if the wife is unable to cook. The reason for my disagreement is that the notion of “equality” often used to describe the relationship between men and women is not entirely accurate. In our culture, women have never been considered inferior to men; rather, we have assigned different roles to each gender. Traditionally, the man has been seen as the head of the family, responsible for providing protection and fulfilling the family’s needs. Cooking, therefore, became a task that women could take on while also caring for the children. It is important to acknowledge that some may disagree with me, and I fully respect that perspective. I understand that many women today are the heads of their families. However, each situation and choice should be considered individually. African culture is rich and diverse, and we should move away from strict rigidity in our perceptions and expectations.
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